Christians Practicing Yoga

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Yoga for Advent

Christmas is almost here! This is the season of waiting for Jesus, waiting for peace, waiting for holidays...  it's expectant, and sometimes stressful. 

Over the past few weeks of waiting, I've come across two different people offering Advent yoga, specifically, so I thought I'd share them with you here. 

In Columbus, Rev. Nicole Havelka offered Advent Yoga at the First Congregational United Church of Christ. The Columbus Dispatch reported her classes in an article entitled "Minister combines yoga with Christian faith." I love it when yoga for Christians is covered like it's new news! For a taste of this Advent Yoga class, watch the video that accompanies the article. 

Online, Caroline Williams has been offering Christian Yoga for Advent classes through YouTube. Each class is about a half an hour long, each with a different Advent-related focus. You can transform your home into a yoga studio by practicing along with her!


May your holidays be filled with the breath of God, sustaining you through all the pausing, the celebrations, the sorrow, and the merriment. Come, Lord Jesus.


Photo Credit: Advent Wreath by Mario Sormann. CC license.