Rhythm of Life on Retreat together
One of the greatest gifts of living at the intersection of Christianity and yoga is the emphasis on contemplative practices. Historically, Christian contemplative practices have come from the Catholic and the Eastern monastic traditions. But in recent years, a return to Christian contemplative practices has highlighted the spiritual and contemplative yogic practices as well. The schedule is structured around practices that have a rhythm to how we do our days and worship together. We find that these Christian rhythms have natural parallels in the way of life at an ashram or major US yoga center like Kripalu.
One of the benefits of the rhythm of daily practices is allowing one’s self to rest in the created structure of morning silence, daily asana, centering prayer, and liturgy of hours (morning prayer and vespers). The schedule intentionally reflects the natural relationship between practicing yoga “asana” and the Christian contemplative practices.
Final Schedule
Grand Silence
Grand Silence is a practice that comes from the Benedictine communities. Starting around 9pm with Evening Prayer, we practice silence—even in our rooms (although roommates often find their own rhythms here). We observe Grand Silence until Morning Prayer around 9:45am—which is about 12-13 hours of silence a day.
If you are new to the practice of silence, this may feel like a really long time! Our intention in communally practicing silence is meant to be a comfort. We are social creatures by nature! And yet, in silence we can begin to get in touch with that deeper place within us as well – our souls. God’s presence is always with us in this deepest place, waiting for us there.
Daily schedule will generally include silent meditation, two group yoga asana or pranayama classes, lecture and discussion, worship, and free time to be spent as you wish. The rest is up to you! Yoga asana, lectures and workshops are offered by attendees. This is not mandatory, but it is a form of seva we have relied upon since our first retreat. If you are willing to offer a class, please reach out to us for discussion.
Balancing Retreating and Learning
Christian Practicing Yoga retreats are an interesting hybrid between retreat and conference. First and foremost, it is a retreat for Christian teachers of yoga. Yet, because Christian teachers of yoga often feel isolated, retreats began to incorporate presentations and workshops where we can share our ideas and questions and brainstorms with one another. We practice yoga together, sharing our asana practice, and we also listen to presentations of the work that people are doing, sharing our jñana yoga practice of knowledge.
Overall, our retreats are characterized by laughter, yoga practice, and professional learning—all balanced with opportunities for silence and solitude as well. As you enter this space with us, please listen to your body, mind, and soul for what you need on this retreat.
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