Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Father Tom’s Library
Allyson shares the titles for Father Tom's library.

Seeking Radical Trust
Doreen reflects on radical trust in preparation for the 2024 retreat.

Living Vairagya
Doreen reflects on vairagya in preparation for the 2024 retreat.

Exploring Abhyasa
Doreen reflects on abhyasa in preparation for the 2024 CPY retreat.

Jesus Christ and Yoga: A Book Review
Our guest contributor, Jim Earles reflects on the third edition of Jesus Christ and Yoga written by Shyam Sundar Goswami.

Why Retreat?
Are you curious what our retreats are like?

Who Set Up Mom’s Nativity Like That?
This Christmas and Epiphany season, don’t worry about being in the perfect place, having the perfect gift or if the gathering is just right. Turn your back on all of it.

My Meditation Journey and What I Found Along the Way
This story describes Connie’s personal journey as a meditator, a journey that has been inspired by wise and holy guides. Her most recent influence being centering prayer and Father Thomas Keating’s book Open Mind, Open Heart.

Neurobiology, Grace and Compassion: How They Work Together
Have you ever wondered about the connection between our brains and our bodies? Barbara writes about neurobiology, grace, and compassion.

My First Yoga Experience by CPY Blog Community (Part II)
Enjoy this sampling of writing that came right out of one of our blog community meetings.

My First Yoga Experience - Part I of II by CPY Blog writing team
Enjoy this sampling of writing that came right out of one of our blog community meetings.

What About Yoga?
One day during a doctor’s visit, my physician listened to my woes about my anxiety and chronic pain. And as if he were at the end of his idea list (I had tried it all), he paused and said, “What about yoga?”

Kaivalya and Freedom in Christ
Kelly explores the connections between the concept of freedom found in The Yoga Sutras and The Bible.

A Brief Introduction to the History of the Chakras
Chakras are a hot button topic in many yoga communities, but sometimes they can feel a little too abstract and esoteric. Below is an introduction to the chakras to inform your yoga studies.

Yoga as Embodied Prayer
Because of all the commercial focus we give to Christmas, some people lose sight of the fact that Easter Sunday is the most important day in the Christian calendar.