Too Much of a Stretch? Can or Should Christians Practice Yoga?

Way back in February, one of the founders of, Reverend Professor Kevin Flynn, offered a lecture about Christians practicing yoga in Ottawa, Ontario. His lecture was made available to the online public, and it is available for viewing today! 

You can find the link to Fr. Kevin's lecture here, on Saint-Paul University's website (or try this direct link here). You'll need Adobe Connect and/or flash on your computer to be able to view it, but the added tech work to your computer is worth it: Adobe Connect allows you to view both the slides and the lecturer at the same time. 

Kevin Flynn.jpg

Lecture Description: Millions of people in Canada and the United States practise yoga these days. Many are Christians. While some practise yoga simply for perceived health benefits, many find it a helpful spiritual practice. Is yoga, in fact, a spiritual practice that Christians can legitimately undertake? What about the warnings against yoga that are heard from some churches, ranging from the Catholic Church to various evangelical denominations? Are Christians misappropriating the cultural or spiritual practices of Hinduism? The webinar will address these questions and try to situate contemporary Christian practice within the larger context of modern postural yoga. 

Fr. Kevin tackles these questions using both theological discussion and the latest in academic yoga research. The lecture is about an hour long. Make a cup of tea and enjoy!

Rev. Canon Kevin Flynn

The Reverend Canon Kevin Flynn is a priest of the Anglican Church of Canada. He is the incumbent of the parish of Chelsea-Lascelles-Wakefield, a part of the diocese of Ottawa in Western Quebec. Previously he was the Director of the Anglican Studies Program in the Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University, Ottawa. He served various parishes in Toronto before taking up the work in Ottawa. He began to practice yoga some forty years ago and is a certified Hatha yoga teacher. He has practised yoga for over 30 years and is a certified Hatha yoga teacher. He has a long-standing interest in liturgy, ecumenism, and spirituality, particularly as these fields intersect with the yogic tradition.


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