Explore our Writers’ Perspectives
Kaivalya and Freedom in Christ
Kelly explores the connections between the concept of freedom found in The Yoga Sutras and The Bible.
Ahimsa in the Four Yogas
In honoring Martin Luther King Jr., Allyson writes about Howard Thurman’s theology and how his work was infused with the teachings of ahimsa and the four yogas.
Global Interconnectedness in a Time of Crisis
The world has been through a lot in the past year, dealing not just with one but several “viruses”: the virus of racism, the virus of sexism, the virus of hate and bigotry, the virus of dishonesty, etc. We are losing so many lives to these viruses, and we must acknowledge that this is the world that we are presently living in. That said, let us also recognize that each of our religious and spiritual traditions have continuously risen to be antidotes to these viruses.
Book Review - Prayers of the Cosmos by Neal Douglas-Klotz
Doreen shares a long-appreciated resource that aims to shed new light on the teachings of Jesus.
Merton and Contemplative Prayer: How it applies to yoga
While once considered the purview of ascetics and monks, Thomas Merton found a more accessible way for lay Christians to achieve mystical experiences by way of contemplative prayer practices.
Yoga appropriation or yoga appreciation?
Followers of Christ have the responsibility to listen, honor, and love our neighbors as ourselves. This means our neighbors’ culture, heritage, and voice.
Christians Practicing Yoga through Thomas Merton
This is an introduction to Merton and his influence on Christians who practice yoga today. This post will be followed by three others that dive deeper into Merton’s impact on Christians practicing through mysticism, contemplative prayer, and interreligious dialogue.
The "Namaste" Conversation
In India, namaste is a greeting, a formal “Hello,” a beginning. Thus, many of South Asian origins feel a little out of sorts when yoga teachers end a yoga practice with a hello beginning. In light of this, Renee is rethinking her use of the word namaste.
World religions: Christian Approaches and Reflections
Christians would do well to examine their own preconceived attitudes to non-Christian religions, spiritualities, and philosophies. Such presuppositions inevitably influence how we interpret the evidence and claims for or against a Christian yoga practice.
Christianity, Chakras, & the Mystery of Epiphany
The season of Epiphany and the ajna chakra both point to revelation, realization, and illumination and they teach us about a certain “knowing” that we can receive from beyond our physical senses, pointing us to God.
Book Review: Hindu Wisdom for All God's Children
Allyson shares her thoughts on the value of comparative theology in Hindu Wisdom for All God's Children by Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Namaste & Imago Dei— Made in the Image of God
The truth held in the greeting Namaste is a truth that contains the power to heal many of the great divisions in this world. The power to unite people regardless of their cultural, racial, religious, social, political, or personal differences.
Stealing Yoga
Kelly discusses some concerns from those who come from a Hindu background and worldview. Her hope is to build understanding and to generate thoughtful and respectful conversation between seekers, both Hindu and Christian alike. May PEACE (shanti) and LOVE (maitri) and prevail…
Introducing Fr. Jean-Marie Déchanet
The teachings of Jean-Marie Déchanet are little known in the United States. We believe they have great significance in our time. CPY is dedicated to researching and preserving the lost teachings of The Father of Christian Yoga.
Can Yoga Teach a Christian to Pray?
Yoga does not replace such necessary components of the Christian life as study of scripture and participation in the liturgical life of the Church. It is, however, a good “seat” for Christian practice. In what ways is this so?