Books and DVDs to Help You Practice

Are you looking for a book or DVD to inspire your practice?

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Beatitudes, Christ and the Practice of Yoga by Fr. Anthony Randazzo and Madelana Ferrara includes body prayer sequences for praying through the Beatitudes. 

Faith with a Twist: A 30-Day Journey into Christian Yoga by Amy Nobles Dolan and Hillary D. Raining.

Holy Yoga by Brooke Boone; includes a home practice DVD. 

Invitation to Christian Yoga by Rev. Nancy Roth; newer versions include a home practice DVD.

Prayer of Heart and Body: Meditation and Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice by Fr. Thomas Ryan.

Praying with the Body: Bringing the Psalms to Life by Roy DeLeon lists body prayer sequences specifically designed for the Psalms. 

Scripture Yoga by Susan Neal of Scripture Yoga.

Stretching Your Faith by Michele Thielen of YogaFaith; includes a 90-min instructional video online

Still Waters Christ-Centered Yoga DVD by Kristy DiGeronimo of DiGeronimo Wellness.


Yoga for Christians by Susan Bordenkircher that includes a home practice DVD. 

Yogadevotion: The Book by Cindy Senarighi and Heidi Green.

Yoga Prayer DVD by Fr. Thomas Ryan provides several sequences for traditional Christian prayers.

More yoga practice DVDs are also available through the online stores on the Holy Yoga and Yahweh Yoga websites. 

Christians Practicing Yoga

We study the intersections of yoga philosophy and Christian theology—and the practices of both—in order to provide support, education, and community for an interdenominational Christian audience. Please consider a small donation to keep our site running.

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A Video Interview with Researcher and Curator Dana Moore