Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Kaivalya and Freedom in Christ
Kelly explores the connections between the concept of freedom found in The Yoga Sutras and The Bible.

A Brief Introduction to the History of the Chakras
Chakras are a hot button topic in many yoga communities, but sometimes they can feel a little too abstract and esoteric. Below is an introduction to the chakras to inform your yoga studies.

Yoga as Embodied Prayer
Because of all the commercial focus we give to Christmas, some people lose sight of the fact that Easter Sunday is the most important day in the Christian calendar.

A Bibliography for Christians Practicing Yoga
Kevin complied this list below as a starting bibliography of everything needed to help you go deeper into yoga as Christian.

The Complicated History of International Yoga Day
Allyson reflects on her ambivalent feelings toward the infamous International Yoga Day.

The Divine Feminine & Divine Flow
In this post, Amy explores what it means to adhere to the divine flow of the Divine feminine.

Course review: The Yoga Sutras Through the Lens of Christ
Molly shares her opportunity to take the online course “The Yoga Sutra Through the Lens of Christ” offered by Kelly McLellan, founder of Getting Still and creator of Getting Still Studies.

Seeking Connection: A 15 minute Three Point Awareness Practice
This three point meditation practice is a reminder to orient ourselves towards right relationships in various aspects of our being human.

Where does yoga come from? A book review on Yoga Body by Mark Singleton
One of the common fears of Christians is this: if I do these poses, will I be worshipping Hindu gods? Singleton’s research provided in Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice would say, “no.”

Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice Parts 3 & 4
Ani Vidrine beautifully weaves vedic scripture and writings from several Christian mystics.

Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice Parts 1 & 2
Ani Vidrine beautifully weaves vedic scripture and writings from several Christian mystics.

Breathing Life, Shimmering Sound
Yoga taught Allyson how to breathe with purpose.

Seeking Christ through Yoga
While Christianity holds beliefs of the nature of Christ at its center, yoga holds an understanding of the nature of the seeker at its core. If the intention is to seek Christ, yoga gently turns the lost towards the sound of a trustworthy caretaker.

Mary's Cape - A Guided Rest for Renewal Among Advent Busyness
Doreen offers a 20 minute Rest for Advent or any time you are in need of nourishment.

Our Book List for Teachers, Students, Seekers and the Just Plain Curious
Allyson introduces our refined and revised book list.