An Invitation to Awareness in the Eye of the Storm
Sally Grillo, an integral contributor to our CPY community, offers these hopeful words along with an invitation to this community to practice with her on Tuesday evenings. Her classes are open to all who wish to pray with and experience God in their bodies.
Happy New Year, friends! In this passage from Matthew, Jesus draws attention to the “EYE”:
“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light…”
I remember when my hometown was hit by a terrible storm in 1972. It wasn’t the chaos that I remember but “THE EYE” – the peace and stillness at the center of the storm! When I opened the front door and ran outside it was like the very moment Dorothy's door opened in the Wizard of Oz….in an instant everything turned from black and white to Technicolor!
I felt like I was in a fairy land. I ran outside and the sun was shining brightly through the leaves, everything glistened and it was exceptionally calm and quiet. The door of my heart opened and I was in heaven...then I remember hearing my mother’s voice frantically yelling – “GET BACK INSIDE – THE STORM ISN’T OVER YET!!!” I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to go back inside but she was right! It wasn’t over….suddenly the sky darkened and the winds began to howl…
The strongest winds and heaviest rain are found in the eye wall. This is the most dangerous part of the storm and surrounds the calm center. I thought about these walls, and was reminded the walls shaking at the Capitol and the walls that keep us from being together throughout this pandemic. But even if the eye walls are spinning out of control, the inner eye is peaceful: GOD IN US, AWARE OF THE SOURCE AT ALL TIMES.
“The contemplative dimension of SIMPLICITY is an ATTITUDE, a disposition arising out of the ongoing commitment to relationship with God. When relationship with God is the intention and all attention in each moment is aware of the Source, then all of life flows naturally and simply from the Source.
Our contemplative practices give us a gift of going within and being “singularly focused on God.” Be still and know, pay attention with intention to rest in our true, holy center. When we notice our struggle to maintain balance in tree pose or to breathe in backbends, we are learning how to respond in the present moment - like Jesus!
Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16: 33
This passage brings peace as the storms of life are raging. We know that Jesus 'knows how to' calm stormy seas. When we focus on Christ in Christ-centered yoga and in Centering prayer we make time and space to be in relationship with God, to trust Him, to be with Him in our troubles and rest in His presence. Jesus has overcome the world.
I invite you to breathe, align, and be stretched in Body, Mind & Spirit this year, alongside with others from the CPY community, in this 7 week Prayerful Yoga series.
The class schedule and link to contact me to register can be found on our Classes and Events Page.
In the mean time, a simple practice
Choose to take a few moments to unwind, then choose a comfortable place such as your bed, a blanket under the night sky outside, or your favorite chair.
Find a comfortable position
Breathe in - breathe out, soften, be relaxed and meditate on each line of Psalm 46:10 slowly. Allow this prayer to settle deep into your holy center. t’s beautiful...
PRAYER - Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God…
Be still and know that I am…
Be still and know…
Be still…