Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

What About Yoga?
One day during a doctor’s visit, my physician listened to my woes about my anxiety and chronic pain. And as if he were at the end of his idea list (I had tried it all), he paused and said, “What about yoga?”

The Crash of the Charismatic and the Aging Contemplative
Doreen and Jennifer chronicle their first meeting at CPY’s 8th biennial teacher’s retreat, held in 2016. By this time, the network of Christians who practiced and taught yoga had grown substantially, and the needs of this community were changing. We just didn’t know it yet.

Unity in Diversity: Yoga’s gift to the Ecumenical Community
I believe it is a rare privilege to experience spiritual friendship with people who hold different worldviews. This privilege demands we put the doctrine, dogma and creeds that hold together our own unique identity into its proper place. I don’t know how it would be possible to do this without yoga and meditation.

The Epiphany: A Faith-Summons to a Mystery
Epiphany – the familiar story of the wise men’s visit to the infant Jesus in Matthew 2:1-12 – is one of those. Matthew’s story of that visit is as interesting for what it doesn't say, as much as for what it does say.

God As Mother
I find myself thinking about God as Mother.

Gratitude, Grief, and Dry Eyes
Connie shares what she saw when imagining Jesus seeing her with a loving gaze the way she believed he looked at the woman at the well (John 4:1-42).

The Intersections of Yoga and Christianity
Renee reflects on the many intersections of yoga and Christianity.

God in Your Body
Barbara explains her encounters with God and how God is reflected in our bodies.

Flow in His Magnificence
Queen Robertson of Sacred Spaces Yoga gives four tips for how to advocate for practicing yoga as a Christian.

Devotion on the Mat: An Interview with Iman G.
Allyson interviews Iman G., the founder of DevoMat, about her relationship with yoga, Christ, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Why I Fell in Love with Yoga
Accept, I heard in my head. Respect your limitations. If my physical body had limitations, did my mental and spiritual bodies have limitations too?

Do we yoga teachers talk too much?
Cindy speaks about the value of silence alongside words and asks the questions, “do I talk too much in my yoga classes? Do we collectively try too hard to drive home our own personal theology?”

Why Christianity and Yoga?
Katrina tells the story of her conversion and transformation with Christianity and yoga.

My Traveler’s Heart Finds Rest and Nostalgia at “Oakridge”: A Pilgrimage

Wonderfully Made: My Story of Belonging
In Rachel’s first post, she shares how yoga first welcomed her back into her body.