CPY Advent Reflection and Discussion
Join us for a viewing of Fr. Tom’s previous Advent reflection followed by a discussion with the CPY Board!

2024 CPY Teacher’s Retreat: Effort and Surrender
Wednesday August 7 - Sunday August 11 2024
Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center, Villa Maria, PA
Cultivating Radical trust through the practices of Abhyasa and Vairagya
As Christians who have a deep desire to faithfully practice and teach yoga, we have the unique opportunity to explore the relationship between our Christian faith, scripture and the yoga sutras. This exploration is not merely an academic endeavor but is a matter of the heart as well. If there is anything yoga teaches us, it is that the value of consistent practice is essential to deepening our trust in God and our vocational work.
Jesus invites us to deepen trust with God, ourselves, and others through the practices of abhyasa and vairagya. Abhyasa refers to practices towards a steady and peaceful mind rooted in persistence and devotion, and vairagya is the mastery of desires; not attaching to an outcome to begin with and letting go of attachments to when and how.
Where is the middle ground between effort (in our prayers, relationships, being, work) and surrender – loosening the grip on desires? Trust is the liminal space between effort & letting go. How can we deepen our trust in the Lord? How can our vocation be shaped by this deep trust? Let’s explore these questions and much more together in community with one another.
The retreat will begin on Wednesday, August 7 starting at 4:00 with yoga asana and centering prayer and will conclude after lunch on Sunday August 11. Daily schedule will generally include silent meditation, two group yoga asana or pranayama classes, lecture and discussion, worship, and free time to be spent as you wish. Yoga asana will be offered by attendees.
Location Information
Villa Maria is located at 2067 Evergreen Road, Villa Maria, PA. You can explore the retreat center here. The closest airport is Pittsburgh International (PIT), 50 minutes away. Other options include Cleveland or Akron / Canton. Let us know your plans and we will try to coordinate transportation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions? Check out our FAQs page to learn more about the retreat and our Christians Practicing Yoga community.
For questions, please contact Katrina Woodworth at retreat@christianspracticingyoga.com

Embodying Pentecost
A rushing wind ignited the flames of Holy Spirit in the hearts of the disciples, engulfing, empowering, and equipping them. In the same way, working with the alchemy of air/breath/Spirit, fire/accupressure and our bodies of earth, we can invite Holy Spirit to kindle within us the fire.

God's Greatest Love Story
Enter into the Lenten season with Love at the center. Since Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday, seek the opportunity to start Lent/Easter/Resurrection with the perspective that this is a love story: “God so loved the world that God gave God's only Son…” John 3:16 Carol and Doreen will guide a posture, breath awareness and meditation class to begin your Lenten reflection.

Walking with Wisdom
Join our Lenten Satsang as we entrust our spiritual growth to the creativity, discernment, and power of God as Wisdom. Our sessions will include song, pranayama, writing, prayerful reading, small group sharing, and encouragements toward on-going practice. We will look to the medieval prophetess and visionary, St Hildegard of Bingen, for her insight and guidance.

Signs of Glory: Celebrating the Epiphany
The celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany announce a reality which is perceived by faith alone: the beginning of the action which will bring humankind back to God.

Answering God's Call Advent Series
“Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:45).
These words were spoken to Mary, but they can also be applied to Joseph and the Wise Men. All three freely chose to answer God’s call no matter the cost to themselves. Using Mary, Joseph, and the Wise Men as our models, we will take into prayer and meditation the attributes of trust, courage, and steadfastness; traits exemplified by those who put total belief and surrender to God’s will for us.
Recommended Props:
Whatever props usually used in personal yoga practice. A chair if needed for balance during standing postures, journal for jotting notes.
For December 3 please bring a straight back chair or ottoman, 3 blankets, eye cover, hot warmer or hot water bottle (optional), journal + pen or colored pencils to journal or draw afterwards.
For December 10 & 17 bring whatever supportive props you usually use for 20 - 30 minutes of Centering Prayer or yoga nidrā.

Answering God's Call Advent Series
“Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:45).
These words were spoken to Mary, but they can also be applied to Joseph and the Wise Men. All three freely chose to answer God’s call no matter the cost to themselves. Using Mary, Joseph, and the Wise Men as our models, we will take into prayer and meditation the attributes of trust, courage, and steadfastness; traits exemplified by those who put total belief and surrender to God’s will for us.
Recommended Props:
Whatever props usually used in personal yoga practice. A chair if needed for balance during standing postures, journal for jotting notes.
For December 3 please bring a straight back chair or ottoman, 3 blankets, eye cover, hot warmer or hot water bottle (optional), journal + pen or colored pencils to journal or draw afterwards.
For December 10 & 17 bring whatever supportive props you usually use for 20 - 30 minutes of Centering Prayer or yoga nidrā.

Answering God's Call Advent Series
“Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:45).
These words were spoken to Mary, but they can also be applied to Joseph and the Wise Men. All three freely chose to answer God’s call no matter the cost to themselves. Using Mary, Joseph, and the Wise Men as our models, we will take into prayer and meditation the attributes of trust, courage, and steadfastness; traits exemplified by those who put total belief and surrender to God’s will for us.
Recommended Props:
Whatever props usually used in personal yoga practice. A chair if needed for balance during standing postures, journal for jotting notes.
For December 3 please bring a straight back chair or ottoman, 3 blankets, eye cover, hot warmer or hot water bottle (optional), journal + pen or colored pencils to journal or draw afterwards.
For December 10 & 17 bring whatever supportive props you usually use for 20 - 30 minutes of Centering Prayer or yoga nidrā.

Fr. Tom Ryan shares the Spirituality of Advent
Fr. Tom shares the Spirituality of Advent.

Thanksgiving Blessings
Join Jane Schmitt on November 20th for a celebration of Thanksgiving Blessings!

The Art of Humility: Satsung Series begins Oct. 3
The gift of satsang is the gift of a community with whom one can explore of the intimate, tender, and profound movements of life in God. Each participant should be eager to build a sacred space of trust and letting go.

Reset Your Nervous System Series
When yoga, faith and neuroscience meet, healing emerges. Join Barbara for this three part series, as we together hit the “Reset” button.

Reset Your Nervous System Series
When yoga, faith and neuroscience meet, healing emerges. Join Barbara for this three part series, as we together hit the “Reset” button.

Reset Your Nervous System Series
When yoga, faith and neuroscience meet, healing emerges. Join Barbara for this three part series, as we together hit the “Reset” button.

Asana, Accupressure, and Awareness
Join Kristy for a unique practice based on the concept of energy medicine as taught by Donna (Eden Method Energy Medicine) and Lauren Walker (Energy Medicine Yoga).

Living the Mystery of the Trinity
A restorative class with breathing and postures intended to express and deepen Christian life as grounded in the mystery of the Triune God. The class will lead to 20-25 minutes of seated silent meditation.

Mindful Flow with Kelly McLellan
Join Kelly to slow down, tune inward, and create space for stillness while nourishing our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Pray Without Ceasing: Celebrating a Day of Prayer
If you are here, you know the power of prayer. How do you pray without ceasing as Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances..."? We have so many ways in Christ-centered yoga to do this!

Blessings Beyond Bypass: Tender Medicine for Hard Times
Join Rachel Allen for a class based on the practices in her book, Blessings Beyond Bypass invite tender medicine in the form of centering meditation, gentle movement, and reflective journaling.

One Thing at a Time: A Weekly Lenten Companionship Series
This Lent, turn up your inner heat (tapas) in the simple but difficult discipline of doing-one-thing-at-a-time.

Invitation to Holy Darkness
This class will use gentle prayer posture, lectio divina, and centering prayer to set the tone for repentance and deepening relationship with God during the Lenten season.

Praise and Worship with Susan Neal
Join Susan Neal for one hour of gentle yoga movements while pondering Bible verses about praising and worshipping God.

Embodied Advent Series
Each Sunday of Advent, we will offer an online yoga class featuring a teacher from the Christians Practicing Yoga Community.

Embodied Advent Series
Each Sunday of Advent, we will offer an online yoga class featuring a teacher from the Christians Practicing Yoga Community.

Embodied Advent Series
Each Sunday of Advent, we will offer an online yoga class featuring a teacher from the Christians Practicing Yoga Community.

Yoga as Thanksgiving
Connie is a yoga teacher, professional contemporary dance artist and centering prayer teacher. She integrates gesture prayers as well as somatic relaxation bodywork into her flowing yoga classes. All levels are welcome.

Prayer of Heart and Body Weekend Retreat in Washington DC
The season of Advent is a time to focus on preparing for the coming of Christ through prayer. Yoga or “prayer of the body” facilitates the “prayer of the heart” (meditation) by creating the most favorable conditions within the body-mind for attentiveness to the presence of God within.

Moving Meditation with Jody Thomae
We will start with 30 minutes of mindful movement (gentle yoga), followed by a guided meditation practice on surrender and gratitude from Jody’s book, Jesus In My Practice.

Bhakti Yoga: Praying with the Mystics
Each week, we will learn about one of these Christian mystics and weave their prayers into our yoga asana and centering prayer to awaken our own sense of presence, of love for and even union with God.