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YogaDevotion: The Book!
CPY’s Cindy Senarighi shares her book of 52 weekly devotions that blend faith and yoga practices with photos of real people doing yoga in the world.

Time to BE Ordinary
I don’t know about you but I like the “mountain top” experiences that come with Holy Spirit activity. I shun those experience of being in the “valley” even though I have felt God’s presence most intently when I have been there. Most of life however is lived in the ordinary, “in between” time and I am grateful for that. The “in between” time gives us time to catch our breath, explore our faith through our yoga practice at a slower pace.

To be honest I have never considered what it means to be transformed or changed as much I have since I truly watched the transformation of caterpillars to butterflies. This metamorphosis was a metaphor for God’s creative nature.