Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Too Much of a Stretch? Can or Should Christians Practice Yoga?
One of the founders of CPY, Reverend Professor Kevin Flynn, offers a lecture about Christians practicing yoga. Its an easy-to-understand history of yoga’s roots in the United State. Listen in if you are curious about yoga’s history.

Is Yoga a Religion?
The classical tradition of Yoga represents a valuable gift from India to the world, and what makes it particularly precious is that it can be used selectively with benefit by people of different religious and philosophical understandings.

An Introduction to Ignatian Yoga
Today we celebrate the work of our friends at Ignatian yoga. What follows is an introduction to their work and philosophy.

What is Christian Meditation?
Rather than seeking to know about God through words, thoughts, and images, the meditator is seeking to experience God directly with the awareness of loving faith and God's indwelling presence.

Our Perspective
We have been gifted with these bodies because this is where God dwells. We are grateful for the gift of yoga for guiding us to live the theology of the body.

A Brief History of the Intersection of Christianity and Yoga
Over the past five hundred years, our world has grown increasingly smaller as our abilities to travel and communicate have grown faster. Yoga traversed the globe from India to the United States in two major waves, described here.

Vidyavanam Ashram – An Appreciation
Vidyavanam is a part of the Christian ashram movement in India, a movement concerned to discover the exchange of gifts that is possible between spiritual and cultural traditions.

It May Be Christian, But Is It Yoga?
What makes a practice a yoga practice? What is it? What is the "it" that makes it yoga?

Is Belief in Reincarnation Consistent with the Christian Faith?
Learn more about reincarnation.

Interview with Yahweh Yoga: Christian-Style Yoga
It can be confusing to both Christians and the secular yoga industry to call it Christian Yoga as some people have said, "If yoga is not a religion, why call it Christian Yoga?"

Can a Christian Practice Yoga? My perspective.
This beautiful and ancient gift of yoga was never meant to be exclusive, belonging to one person or a specific group of individuals; that in itself would be “un-yogic.” Yoga is inclusive, meaning that all are welcome no matter what walk of life you come from.

Yoga, Greek Poets, and the Apostle Paul
One of the Bible verses most often quoted in regards to why Christians practice yoga is Acts 17:28: “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” What we don't usually talk about is that this verse did not originally refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Paul is quoting the Greek poet Epimenides, who is actually talking about Zeus.

The Case Against Yoga: Sedlock Vs. Baird
Parents of students attending Encinitas Union School District claim that yoga in schools violates religious freedom and the separation of church and state. The parents are concerned that the organization providing the yoga is performing a “religious experiment.” The parents are Christians who want to protect their children, and they want yoga out of the schools.

A Call to Christian Embodiment
by Rev. Jim Dickerson
One of the terrible heresies of not only ages past, but of this current one as well, is the dis-embodiment of the Christian faith and it’s richly embodied, comprehensive and holistic theology, traditions, communal life and spiritual practices.