Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Intentions for a New Year (Part 1): Discovering Your Sankalpa Meditation
Amy’s writings and guided meditation explore a wildly different approach to setting intentions in the new year - one that doesn’t start with classic self-improvement but rather begins from a place of wholeness.

Advent: A Practice of Watchfulness
The season of Advent ask us to prepare for the coming of Christ. Yoga teaches us the art of watchfulness, inviting us to get still, listen, watch, pay attention, observe, notice, and recognize the present coming of Christ in us and around us. A brief guided meditation is included.

Breathe in me Breath of God - A Practice
Doreen explores the relationship between breath, spirit and wellness with a 10 minute meditation practice.

Jean-Marie Déchanet: the Father of Christian Yoga
If you search for "Christian" and "yoga" in a library database or Google, you'll inevitably run across a book called Christian Yoga by Fr. Jean-Marie Déchanet. Originally published in French in 1956, Christian Yoga is one of the oldest books available considering the intersection of yoga and Christianity, and in many ways, Fr. Déchanet became the Father of today's movement of Christians practicing yoga.
So who was Fr. Déchanet?