Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Breathing in the Neshamah of Christian Living and Practice
Yoga connects us with the fundamental breath of life, neshamah in the Hebrew, breathed into us at our first breath and continuing on from this life to the next.

The Sacred Breath
As a Christian yoga teacher, I always have tried to teach a compassionate yoga class, to focus on breath and movement as a prayer... But now, faced with the death of one of my students, I wondered, could I surrender to what had happened--could I accept the loss of not only a student, but a dear friend?

Is Pranayama Compatible with Christianity?
The natural association of breath with our life force can remind us of God’s life-giving spirit/breath as well as symbolize for us the indwelling divine Holy Spirit.

Why We Need More Bubbles
On parenting and blowing bubbles as a meditation on joy...

News Years Resolutions: Experiencing Beauty and Joy in 2016
This year... I'm asking God to give me new eyes, eyes filled with grace to see beauty in my life...even in the painful and difficult aspects of my life.

Breathing and the Valley of the Dry Bones
It's like a passage from The Return of the King, when Aragorn commands the army of the dead to fight for him. Except that instead of a green and ghastly army, this army is vibrantly alive, resurrected with the breath of God.