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SOW, FLOW and GROW VINYASA with Sally Grillo

Sally’s Prayerful Yoga Class allows BREATH (SPIRIT!) to lead the way into this scripture-based SPRINGTIME CELEBRATION of body, mind and spirit. 

“For in Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17: 28

Classes are held each Tuesday for 7 weeks, from 7:00PM - 8:30PM EST, beginning April 13, 2021. Students practice slow mindful movement while planting, rooting and yielding which requires settling down, letting go of resistance, and surrendering into deep calm and relaxation to step out into the world transformed into the hands, feet, heart and mind of Christ, sharing His Love and JOY in service to all.

Sally Grillo’s yoga journey started in the early 1990’s through her involvement in fitness programs such as aerobics, step and Pilates. She became certified in the Anusara Style of yoga in 2003 and was introduced to Fr Tom Ryan and the “Christians Practicing yoga” group in 2006. Sally went on to create unique faith-based yoga classes for her students to experience mind/body/spiritual wellness grounded in the word of God while she draws from her life as wife, mother, grandmother and hospice volunteer! She loves the outdoors and themes her classes with tremendous awe around birds, flowers and everything in God’s creation all for His glory!

Upon Registration, you will receive a Zoom link to use for all 7 classes. You need only to register one time.

May 18

Benefit class for the healing India, Bethel Yoga

May 25

SOW, FLOW and GROW VINYASA with Sally Grillo