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Asana, Accupressure, and Awareness

Join Kristy for a unique class offering!

One of the many reasons we love yoga asana is that it is a tool for opening to God’s life- giving breath. This “river of breath” throughout and around the body is what animates our minds, bodies and spirits. Through the yogic lens, blockage in the flow of life-force a.k.a. prana or ruach or breath throughout our systems is what causes imbalance and possibly illness. In addition to asana, there are other ways to keep the energy flowing. In this practice we will be curious about points on the body which activate meridians, or lines of energy that run throughout the body and connect to organs, and energy fields which regulate bioelectric communication between internal and external sources. In other words, we are just going to have fun utilizing asana, acupressure, and awareness to come home to our miraculous aliveness. The practice will be based on the concept of energy medicine as taught by Donna Eden (Eden Method Energy Medicine) and Lauren Walker (Energy Medicine Yoga).

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June 4

Living the Mystery of the Trinity

September 11

Reset Your Nervous System Series