Join Rachel Allen for a class based on the practices in her book, Blessings Beyond Bypass invite tender medicine in the form of centering meditation, gentle movement, and reflective journaling.
Blessings Beyond Bypass emerged from contemplative inquiry during the darkest times of the pandemic and polarization.
More information on Blessings Beyond Bypass
These Blessings emerged, not from an effort to write a book, but from sitting down at night in the midst of the pandemic from 2020 to the spring of 2021, to ponder the cries for racial reconciliation and the political polarization and a desire to get underneath all the noise. Feeling both numb and overwhelmed required me to draw from the practices and teachings of yoga, particularly on nervous system regulation and The Yoga of Action. The Yoga of Action is what Patanjali, (compiler of the Yoga Sutras), refers to in the second part of the Yoga Sutras which addresses practice, especially the dysfunctions of the mind. He highlights three qualities to cultivate: tapas (discipline), svadhyaya (self-study), and Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to the Lord).
Also relevant alongside my observances, was Anabaptist theology of The Third Way taught by Walter Wink. The Third Way goes beyond fighting and retaliation or avoidance - running away. This also is not about meeting in the middle, which doesn’t do much for those already marginalized, and generally preserves the status quo. Theologically, the third way is not increased complacency to be negotiated by those in power. Theologically, the third way involves creative, peaceful resistance to oppressive forces.
Blessings Beyond Bypass emerged from Third Way and Yoga of Action practices that resourced me to be in the reality of life and face that reality head on as well as a deep dive into what else is present beyond the tangible present moment.
*Note: This process is not meant to be utilized for deep seated traumas or as a substitute for counseling or other mental health support.
In addition, I created a Facilitator’s Guide with foundational practices rooted in the same teachings. Sharing this process and practices with others can potentially support you to integrate these blessings into your life and practice. This could be useful for facilitators of modalities such as; meditation, yoga, Circle Process, book groups, faith communities, or for groups of people that you specifically gather because you want to have the types of conversations this book and blessings can generate!
Components include:
Preparatory Practice, The Calling in of our Supports.
Part 1: Liminal Space: Guided Meditation. Movement Practice. Meditation and Reflective Journaling. Blessing. Anger and Grief: Guided Meditation. Movement Practice. Meditation and Reflective Journaling. Blessing.
Part 2: Sacred Activism: Holy Imagination/Holy Heartbreak/Holy Rebellion:Guided Meditation. Movement Practice. Meditation and Reflective Journaling. Blessing.
Part 3. Truth/Expansion/Tenderness/Community/Walking the Walk:Guided Meditation. Movement Practice. Meditation and Reflective Journaling. Blessing. Closing.
Ways to use the practices and discussion questions:
You may want to use each practice and discussion as a stand alone accompanied by the Blessing in that section to fit into a class theme. Themes or concepts for yoga teachers that might blend well with sections of the book:
Part 1: The Kleshas, Consciousness, Impermanence
Part 2: Skill in Action, Engaged Mindfulness, Liberation
Part 3: Yamas and Niyamas, The Koshas, Connection, The Five Elements
You might use each practice and discussion as a day or half day workshop on Embodied Mindfulness or The Third Way or The Yoga of Action.
You might use any of the themes in a month-long series.
Use it in any way that makes sense to you and your community.
Suggestions For A Class with a Single Theme.
Introduce Theme in a brief dharma talk.
Whether it be a yoga or meditation class, weave the theme into your centering, movement and meditation practice.
Share the appropriate Blessing at the End.
Here are settings in my community where I have used the blessings and practices:
Suicide Prevention Walk & remembering lives lost to suicide
Healing Patch Fundraiser for Children experiencing grief and loss
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Great Rhythm Revival Closing Ceremony
Style & Grace Showcase: An Evening of Honoring African American Women
Blessings Beyond Bypass is available through SeedHouse Press and The Facilitators Guide will be available on my website right around the April 30th event.