Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Black History Month Recommended Reading List
Joanne Wohlmuth share resources for Black History Month.

The Crash of the Charismatic and the Aging Contemplative
Doreen and Jennifer chronicle their first meeting at CPY’s 8th biennial teacher’s retreat, held in 2016. By this time, the network of Christians who practiced and taught yoga had grown substantially, and the needs of this community were changing. We just didn’t know it yet.

Unity in Diversity: Yoga’s gift to the Ecumenical Community
I believe it is a rare privilege to experience spiritual friendship with people who hold different worldviews. This privilege demands we put the doctrine, dogma and creeds that hold together our own unique identity into its proper place. I don’t know how it would be possible to do this without yoga and meditation.

Course Review: Racial Justice and Yoga
Doreen reviews Joanne "Sujatha" Wohlmuth’s course Racial Justice and Yoga.

The Intersections of Yoga and Christianity
Renee reflects on the many intersections of yoga and Christianity.

The Divine Feminine & Divine Flow
In this post, Amy explores what it means to adhere to the divine flow of the Divine feminine.

Ahimsa in the Four Yogas
In honoring Martin Luther King Jr., Allyson writes about Howard Thurman’s theology and how his work was infused with the teachings of ahimsa and the four yogas.

Global Interconnectedness in a Time of Crisis
The world has been through a lot in the past year, dealing not just with one but several “viruses”: the virus of racism, the virus of sexism, the virus of hate and bigotry, the virus of dishonesty, etc. We are losing so many lives to these viruses, and we must acknowledge that this is the world that we are presently living in. That said, let us also recognize that each of our religious and spiritual traditions have continuously risen to be antidotes to these viruses.

Merton and Contemplative Prayer: How it applies to yoga
While once considered the purview of ascetics and monks, Thomas Merton found a more accessible way for lay Christians to achieve mystical experiences by way of contemplative prayer practices.

Merton and Mysticism: How it Applies to Yoga
A Course in Christian Mysticism provides something of a textbook for Catholics seeking to cultivate mystical experience through theological study.

Interview with Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm
Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm is the author of Love God Herself: Yoga and Mindfulness for Black Women who Follow the Christ. We reached out to Brooke for an interview.

Christian Unity: What We Share is Far Greater Than What Divides
People need occasions where they can come together across denominational lines to share with each other an experience of their common Lord.

Rest for the Weary: Building Community Alongside Our Brothers and Sisters of Color
As Christians who practice and teach yoga, how do we respond to our calling to help the people of God, particularly those most weary, to find rest?

World religions: Christian Approaches and Reflections
Christians would do well to examine their own preconceived attitudes to non-Christian religions, spiritualities, and philosophies. Such presuppositions inevitably influence how we interpret the evidence and claims for or against a Christian yoga practice.