Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Three Methods of Christian Meditation
Contemplative prayer is a process of interior transformation, a relationship initiated by God and leading, if we consent, to divine union. If meditation/contemplative prayer (raja yoga) is not an integral part of your hatha yoga practice, one might say that you’re missing the best part!

Praying with Beads for Lent: A Meditation for Ash Wednesday
The practice of pausing on each knot or bead during prayer helps us to center our hearts on God and to guard our minds against distraction. Here Kelly McLellan discusses the practice of praying with beads and leads us in a meditation for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season.

A Brief Teaching: Christian Contemplation
Learn the essential teachings to get started with your meditation practice, and find resources to support your daily discipline.

What is Christian Meditation?
Rather than seeking to know about God through words, thoughts, and images, the meditator is seeking to experience God directly with the awareness of loving faith and God's indwelling presence.