Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Yoga as Embodied Prayer
Because of all the commercial focus we give to Christmas, some people lose sight of the fact that Easter Sunday is the most important day in the Christian calendar.

Why I Take a Cyber Sabbath
Leave your cell phone behind and rest — and see what wonder this world has to offer!
Divinity in the Ordinary
Renee wonders about how Divinity reveals itself in the Ordinary through Zoom Church, Communion, and Jesus of the Peanut Butter & Jelly.

Advent Doesn't Matter
There can be a lot of pressure wrapped up in figuring out what one is going to do or not do for times like these, but I’ve thankfully worked in room for transition time and ease.

What Are We Waiting For?
We are not waiting and hoping for something that has already happened…Who does that?

Take Us On a Walk: a Meditation on the Trinity
Listen to an audio embodied sermon for Trinity Sunday.

Yoga Vespers Webinar, Part 3
Our final installment of our three part series on Christian Prayer can be found here.

Yoga Vespers Webinar, Part 2
Catch up on week 2 of our webinar series.

Yoga Vespers Webinar, Part 1
In case you missed the live event, catch up on part 1 of our 3 part Yoga Vespers series here, and signup to participate live next week.

Yoga Vespers Webinar Series: Traditional Christian Prayer in Body, Mind and Spirit
Please join Dana Moore and Katrina Woodworth for Yoga Vespers: Traditional Christian Prayer in Body, Mind and Spirit, a 3 part webinar series.

Praying with Beads for Lent: A Meditation for Ash Wednesday
The practice of pausing on each knot or bead during prayer helps us to center our hearts on God and to guard our minds against distraction. Here Kelly McLellan discusses the practice of praying with beads and leads us in a meditation for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season.

Lenten Practice: Deep Listening and Scriptural Reflection
Inspired by Yoga Sutra 2.1, yoga in action is composed of austerity, self-study, and trustful surrender to the Lord, Doreen offers two practices for Lent.

A New Book Fr. Tom: Praying by Hand, Praying with Beads
Read an excerpt from Fr. Tom’s new book, which teaches the integration of the mind and heart through praying with beads.

Déchanet and Holistic Spirituality
In the second half of the 20th century, the Benedictine monk and yoga practitioner Jean-Marie Déchanet was an active proponent of holistic spirituality.

Ignatian Yoga for Lent
Some suggestions for Lent and an Ignatian Yoga Lenten video.