Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Mary's Cape - A Guided Rest for Renewal Among Advent Busyness
Doreen offers a 20 minute Rest for Advent or any time you are in need of nourishment.

Revisiting Advent as a Practice for Unprecedented Times
All are welcome to Yogdevotions Advent worship, Wednesday evenings.

Mindful Moments: Chocolate Practices for Ash Wednesday & Beyond
Even something as simple as chocolate can lead to a fruitful practice for Lent.

Praying with Beads for Lent: A Meditation for Ash Wednesday
The practice of pausing on each knot or bead during prayer helps us to center our hearts on God and to guard our minds against distraction. Here Kelly McLellan discusses the practice of praying with beads and leads us in a meditation for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season.

Lenten Practice: Deep Listening and Scriptural Reflection
Inspired by Yoga Sutra 2.1, yoga in action is composed of austerity, self-study, and trustful surrender to the Lord, Doreen offers two practices for Lent.

Epiphany Practice: A Walk to Bethlehem
Follow the journey of the magi with this epiphany practice.

An Advent Practice for Balance
Have fun practicing. Yes, have fun. It is good and joyful to be awake!

A Practice for Preparing the Way: Remembering Your Light
Light a candle this Advent, to remind yourself of God’s presence within you.

Practices For Advent: Waking Up & Lighting Your Way
How can we experiment with waking up and finding our light?

Advent: A Practice of Watchfulness
The season of Advent ask us to prepare for the coming of Christ. Yoga teaches us the art of watchfulness, inviting us to get still, listen, watch, pay attention, observe, notice, and recognize the present coming of Christ in us and around us. A brief guided meditation is included.

A Thanksgiving Prayer for Healing
Our highly charged political climate leaves little room for compromise or understanding, even amongst family members. We believe contemplative practices can contribute to healing our divides.

Ignatian Yoga for Lent
Some suggestions for Lent and an Ignatian Yoga Lenten video.

Is Yoga Part of YOUR New Year?
If you're making yoga part of your new year's resolutions, check out our Home Practice page to help inspire your practice!

Yoga for Advent
This season, two online sources offer yoga inspiration for Advent.

Lent & Yoga: Exploring Connections
Prayer, fasting, almsgiving…three disciplines that my yoga practice also leads me to.