Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Why I Take a Cyber Sabbath
Leave your cell phone behind and rest — and see what wonder this world has to offer!

Meet Ani Vidrine: Why I practice Yoga
We are pleased to add the voice of author, psychotherapist & spiritual director Ani Vidrine’s to our site. What follows is her first post, in which she answers the same question each of our writers has been asked to ponder: What do you practice yoga — and why do you practice Christianity?

Staying Consequences
Applying the tools of yoga and seeking daily direction from Christ helped Doreen resolve the tension regarding where to live for the rest of their twelve year old daughter’s growing up years.

Caring for the Sick Among Us
Rev. Kevin Flynn offers thoughts of Christianity’s call to heal the sick, and in support of bringing yoga into this long tradition of care.

A Place-in-Between
Doreen shares with us the inner conflict that arose through her immersion in two different religions, cultures and world views at a young age. This conflict is a familiar one to many of us — those who practice yoga, honor its roots and continue to walk the path of Christianity.

How's Your Nervous System Doing?
Join Joanne Spence as she explores the nervous system and offers a 7 minute “Square Breath” practice.

Interview with Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm
Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm is the author of Love God Herself: Yoga and Mindfulness for Black Women who Follow the Christ. We reached out to Brooke for an interview.

A Time For Every Breath
For me, relaxing on the exhale has become a spiritual practice of trust in God. For years, this breathing trust has been yoga’s best gift to me. Imagine, then, my confusion in this virtual momma’s fitness program when the lead trainer told viewers to relax on the inhale.