Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Yoga and Lent VIII: The Samadhi of Jesus
Fr. Clooney's Yoga and Lent series concludes with a Holy Saturday reflection on samadhi (a state of concentration) alongside Jesus' death and resurrection.

Yoga and Lent VII: The Contemplative Gaze
When Patanjali writes of “holding” and “meditating,” he turns out to be offering us a gift, first regarding the practice – we learn to be moral, detached, to sit, breath, let go, attend, hold our gaze, just there – and then regarding the inner states of contemplation to which we aspire as Christians.

Yoga and Lent VI: Sit, Breathe, Let Go
We might consider that an excellent Lenten practice, even for its last weeks, would be to sit, and breathe, and let that breathing dispel illusions about what and who we are.

Yoga and Lent V: Ten Lenten Commandments
Lent is in part about stepping away from ordinary concerns. Jesus said, “There is need of only one thing” (Luke 10.41), and these Lenten reflections are dedicated to that proposition.

Yoga and Lent IV: To See As Wisdom Sees
Fr. Clooney shares a discussion on the 8 limbs of yoga and how they may be incorporated into our Lenten observances.

Yoga and Lent III: Empty Wisdom
In comparing the words of the Apostle Paul and the Sutras, Fr. Clooney suggests "that we put aside the competitive angle in all this, and presuppose for now that Christ and yoga are not at odds. Yoga need not threaten or diminish what Christ does in us."

Yoga and Lent II: Sede Vacante
This section of the Sutras may beneficially remind us that that what may be required is a sober, steady gaze at the mass of afflictions that beset the Church today — the problem of our loud words and clumsy deeds, particularly at the top.

The Practice of Yoga and the Practice of Lent: I
It is Lent once more, and as I’ve often done in the past, I will take up a theme that I will return to every now and then between now and Easter. ... This time I will focus on what the Yoga Sutras ask us to do...

Yoga and Fasting: Forms of Holistic Prayer
Father Tom Ryan discusses how yoga and the ritual of fasting can both be forms of prayer.

Ignatian Yoga for Lent
Some suggestions for Lent and an Ignatian Yoga Lenten video.

Lent & Yoga: Exploring Connections
Prayer, fasting, almsgiving…three disciplines that my yoga practice also leads me to.

Lessons from Lent
As promised I am writing to share what I learned from my Lenten Vows, which were basically to give up something I love that I know probably isn’t the best for me, and to start something new that I would love that I know will be very good for me.

Yoga and Easter
As I’ve been editing and posting Father Clooney’s reflections on Lent and the Yoga Sutras for the past few weeks, I’ve been struck--again--by how much the practice of yoga prepares the body for prayer and meditation, for being still before God.

Lent: What It Means to Me
I wonder sometimes just how strong and dedicated I really am in my faith and as a person. This year Lent will help me answer my own question.