Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

A Brief Introduction to the History of the Chakras
Chakras are a hot button topic in many yoga communities, but sometimes they can feel a little too abstract and esoteric. Below is an introduction to the chakras to inform your yoga studies.

Big Belly Breath
When we draw a full, deep breath into the lungs and allow the belly to respond with fullness, we are fully inviting the Holy Spirit to access every curve of our being.

Christianity, Chakras, and Separating the Baby from the Bathwater.
Kelly explores Chakras and the energy body from a Christian perspective. She writes, “When approaching energy theories as a Christian, we would do well to practice discernment. In other words, we have to learn to separate the baby (wisdom) from the bathwater (worldview).”

Prana and the Lord, the Giver of Life.
The work of Grace Ji-Sun Kim is a tremendously valuable contribution to Christian engagement with the culture and understanding of chi/prana found throughout Asia.

The Labyrinth and Yoga
For Joanne, a slow, chilly journey through a labyrinth brings together top-down (cognitive) and bottom-up (body-based) approaches to her inner spiritual life.

Christianity, Chakras, & the Mystery of Epiphany
The season of Epiphany and the ajna chakra both point to revelation, realization, and illumination and they teach us about a certain “knowing” that we can receive from beyond our physical senses, pointing us to God.

A Thanksgiving Prayer for Healing
Our highly charged political climate leaves little room for compromise or understanding, even amongst family members. We believe contemplative practices can contribute to healing our divides.

Kundalini, Chakras and Auras: A Christian Perspective on the Energy Body
In as much as the chakras and kundalini energy itself can be seen as natural phenomena, then we can postulate that these realities exist within Christians. They certainly pop up even spontaneously in Christians today.