Explore our Writers’ Perspectives
Yogadevotion's New Instructor Certification Course
Our friends and partners at Yogadevotion put together an online Instructor Certification Course that as a resource for both instructors and practitioners. In five modules, the course studies where yoga philosophy and Christian theology converge, and then how to apply that convergence to an actual yoga practice. Read our review here!
Intentions for a New Year (Part 2): 4 Encouragements to Keep Your Light Shining
In Part 2 of this series, Amy acknowledges that life is surprising and challenging. Here she offers ways to take action, stay motivated, access creativity, and overcome hardship.
Intentions for a New Year (Part 1): Discovering Your Sankalpa Meditation
Amy’s writings and guided meditation explore a wildly different approach to setting intentions in the new year - one that doesn’t start with classic self-improvement but rather begins from a place of wholeness.
Prana and the Lord, the Giver of Life.
The work of Grace Ji-Sun Kim is a tremendously valuable contribution to Christian engagement with the culture and understanding of chi/prana found throughout Asia.
The Labyrinth and Yoga
For Joanne, a slow, chilly journey through a labyrinth brings together top-down (cognitive) and bottom-up (body-based) approaches to her inner spiritual life.
Christianity, Chakras, & the Mystery of Epiphany
The season of Epiphany and the ajna chakra both point to revelation, realization, and illumination and they teach us about a certain “knowing” that we can receive from beyond our physical senses, pointing us to God.
Epiphany Practice: A Walk to Bethlehem
Follow the journey of the magi with this epiphany practice.
An Advent Practice for Balance
Have fun practicing. Yes, have fun. It is good and joyful to be awake!
An Advent Practice for Manifesting the Trinity: Prayer & Power
Manifesting the Trinity requires us to be open to God’s plan and purpose for our lives, and sometimes that’s really hard to figure out.
A Practice for Preparing the Way: Remembering Your Light
Light a candle this Advent, to remind yourself of God’s presence within you.
Practices For Advent: Waking Up & Lighting Your Way
How can we experiment with waking up and finding our light?
Advent: A Practice of Watchfulness
The season of Advent ask us to prepare for the coming of Christ. Yoga teaches us the art of watchfulness, inviting us to get still, listen, watch, pay attention, observe, notice, and recognize the present coming of Christ in us and around us. A brief guided meditation is included.
Exploring Holy Tension: A Meditation
I’m always amazed at how much I try to hold poses with my face. A clenched jaw, furrowed brow, tight neck muscles that raise my shoulders. I do not need to hold a lunge with my jaw! I am learning that even in a pose of tension, I can relax.
A Thanksgiving Prayer for Healing
Our highly charged political climate leaves little room for compromise or understanding, even amongst family members. We believe contemplative practices can contribute to healing our divides.
Book Review: Hindu Wisdom for All God's Children
Allyson shares her thoughts on the value of comparative theology in Hindu Wisdom for All God's Children by Francis X. Clooney, S.J.