Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Black History Month Recommended Reading List
Joanne Wohlmuth share resources for Black History Month.

The Crash of the Charismatic and the Aging Contemplative
Doreen and Jennifer chronicle their first meeting at CPY’s 8th biennial teacher’s retreat, held in 2016. By this time, the network of Christians who practiced and taught yoga had grown substantially, and the needs of this community were changing. We just didn’t know it yet.

Unity in Diversity: Yoga’s gift to the Ecumenical Community
I believe it is a rare privilege to experience spiritual friendship with people who hold different worldviews. This privilege demands we put the doctrine, dogma and creeds that hold together our own unique identity into its proper place. I don’t know how it would be possible to do this without yoga and meditation.

The Epiphany: A Faith-Summons to a Mystery
Epiphany – the familiar story of the wise men’s visit to the infant Jesus in Matthew 2:1-12 – is one of those. Matthew’s story of that visit is as interesting for what it doesn't say, as much as for what it does say.

Advent Faith and Festival
The Advent season is full of rituals. The Advent wreath and lighting of candles. The Christmas tree. House lights and ornaments. Shopping for gifts. Sending Christmas cards. Singing carols. Making special cookies and breads.

God As Mother
I find myself thinking about God as Mother.

Course Review: Racial Justice and Yoga
Doreen reviews Joanne "Sujatha" Wohlmuth’s course Racial Justice and Yoga.

Gratitude, Grief, and Dry Eyes
Connie shares what she saw when imagining Jesus seeing her with a loving gaze the way she believed he looked at the woman at the well (John 4:1-42).

A Bibliography for Christians Practicing Yoga
Kevin complied this list below as a starting bibliography of everything needed to help you go deeper into yoga as Christian.

The Complicated History of International Yoga Day
Allyson reflects on her ambivalent feelings toward the infamous International Yoga Day.

The Intersections of Yoga and Christianity
Renee reflects on the many intersections of yoga and Christianity.

The Divine Feminine & Divine Flow
In this post, Amy explores what it means to adhere to the divine flow of the Divine feminine.

Course review: The Yoga Sutras Through the Lens of Christ
Molly shares her opportunity to take the online course “The Yoga Sutra Through the Lens of Christ” offered by Kelly McLellan, founder of Getting Still and creator of Getting Still Studies.

Yoga and Lent VIII: The Samadhi of Jesus
Fr. Clooney's Yoga and Lent series concludes with a Holy Saturday reflection on samadhi (a state of concentration) alongside Jesus' death and resurrection.

Yoga and Lent VII: The Contemplative Gaze
When Patanjali writes of “holding” and “meditating,” he turns out to be offering us a gift, first regarding the practice – we learn to be moral, detached, to sit, breath, let go, attend, hold our gaze, just there – and then regarding the inner states of contemplation to which we aspire as Christians.