Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Yoga and Lent VI: Sit, Breathe, Let Go
We might consider that an excellent Lenten practice, even for its last weeks, would be to sit, and breathe, and let that breathing dispel illusions about what and who we are.

Yoga and Lent V: Ten Lenten Commandments
Lent is in part about stepping away from ordinary concerns. Jesus said, “There is need of only one thing” (Luke 10.41), and these Lenten reflections are dedicated to that proposition.

Yoga and Lent IV: To See As Wisdom Sees
Fr. Clooney shares a discussion on the 8 limbs of yoga and how they may be incorporated into our Lenten observances.

Yoga and Lent III: Empty Wisdom
In comparing the words of the Apostle Paul and the Sutras, Fr. Clooney suggests "that we put aside the competitive angle in all this, and presuppose for now that Christ and yoga are not at odds. Yoga need not threaten or diminish what Christ does in us."

Yoga and Lent II: Sede Vacante
This section of the Sutras may beneficially remind us that that what may be required is a sober, steady gaze at the mass of afflictions that beset the Church today — the problem of our loud words and clumsy deeds, particularly at the top.

God in Your Body
Barbara explains her encounters with God and how God is reflected in our bodies.

Flow in His Magnificence
Queen Robertson of Sacred Spaces Yoga gives four tips for how to advocate for practicing yoga as a Christian.

The Practice of Yoga and the Practice of Lent: I
It is Lent once more, and as I’ve often done in the past, I will take up a theme that I will return to every now and then between now and Easter. ... This time I will focus on what the Yoga Sutras ask us to do...

Devotion on the Mat: An Interview with Iman G.
Allyson interviews Iman G., the founder of DevoMat, about her relationship with yoga, Christ, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Why I Fell in Love with Yoga
Accept, I heard in my head. Respect your limitations. If my physical body had limitations, did my mental and spiritual bodies have limitations too?

Do we yoga teachers talk too much?
Cindy speaks about the value of silence alongside words and asks the questions, “do I talk too much in my yoga classes? Do we collectively try too hard to drive home our own personal theology?”

Ahimsa in the Four Yogas
In honoring Martin Luther King Jr., Allyson writes about Howard Thurman’s theology and how his work was infused with the teachings of ahimsa and the four yogas.

Seeking Connection: A 15 minute Three Point Awareness Practice
This three point meditation practice is a reminder to orient ourselves towards right relationships in various aspects of our being human.

Being in God's Presence: A Multimedia Contemplation
Here we feature a beautiful piece Being in God's Presence: A Multimedia Contemplation that Joanne Spence recorded for our community. Enjoy slowing down, going inward and listening to her Australian accent.

Where does yoga come from? A book review on Yoga Body by Mark Singleton
One of the common fears of Christians is this: if I do these poses, will I be worshipping Hindu gods? Singleton’s research provided in Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice would say, “no.”