Explore our Writers’ Perspectives
St. Patrick’s Breastplate, Yoga, and Armor
Embrace the power of your practice.
Checking in: Yoga and Lenten Practices During Times of Unknowns
This letter was intended to be a “Lenten Check-In” as a follow-up to my last post. But now it’s a check-in to see how you’re doing in all areas.
Intentions for a New Year (Part 2): 4 Encouragements to Keep Your Light Shining
In Part 2 of this series, Amy acknowledges that life is surprising and challenging. Here she offers ways to take action, stay motivated, access creativity, and overcome hardship.
The Labyrinth and Yoga
For Joanne, a slow, chilly journey through a labyrinth brings together top-down (cognitive) and bottom-up (body-based) approaches to her inner spiritual life.
Epiphany Practice: A Walk to Bethlehem
Follow the journey of the magi with this epiphany practice.
An Advent Practice for Manifesting the Trinity: Prayer & Power
Manifesting the Trinity requires us to be open to God’s plan and purpose for our lives, and sometimes that’s really hard to figure out.
Namaste & Imago Dei— Made in the Image of God
The truth held in the greeting Namaste is a truth that contains the power to heal many of the great divisions in this world. The power to unite people regardless of their cultural, racial, religious, social, political, or personal differences.
From Déchanet's Letters to Thomas Merton
As contemporaries, Thomas Merton and Jean-Marie Déchanet exchanged letters, discussing contemplative prayer and the life of William of Saint-Thierry, topics of interest to both priests.
What if your body were an altar?
Touch your elbow: that skin right there is God’s Holy of Holies. What if your body is an altar? What if your body is a place for you to encounter God? How does that change how you understand your body?
Hands Raised in Praise
Yoga teacher Jody Thomae explores embodied postures of prayer and praise. In this post, she explores the Biblical precedent for raising hands in prayer.
Can Yoga Teach a Christian to Pray?
Yoga does not replace such necessary components of the Christian life as study of scripture and participation in the liturgical life of the Church. It is, however, a good “seat” for Christian practice. In what ways is this so?
Yoga and Christianity: Lord, Teach Us to Pray
How does the practice teach us to P.R.A.Y.? How do we get out of our head and into our heart? We Prepare, Root, Align, Yield.
Ignatian Yoga for Lent
Some suggestions for Lent and an Ignatian Yoga Lenten video.
Soften and Deepen
Have you ever thought about the tension between "letting go and letting God" and "fighting the good fight"? When do we act? When do we let God act on our behalf? What is His role? What is our role?
Yoga for Advent
This season, two online sources offer yoga inspiration for Advent.