Explore our Writers’ Perspectives
Three Methods of Christian Meditation
Contemplative prayer is a process of interior transformation, a relationship initiated by God and leading, if we consent, to divine union. If meditation/contemplative prayer (raja yoga) is not an integral part of your hatha yoga practice, one might say that you’re missing the best part!
Pratyahara and Pandemic
Kelly offers a reflection of one of the yoga sutras, Pratyahara, followed by a full home practice. We are grateful to her for this offering.
There Go I: A Compassion Meditation
This a simple mantra is meant to interrupt habitual thought, with the hope of cultivating a more compassionate world.
The "Namaste" Conversation
In India, namaste is a greeting, a formal “Hello,” a beginning. Thus, many of South Asian origins feel a little out of sorts when yoga teachers end a yoga practice with a hello beginning. In light of this, Renee is rethinking her use of the word namaste.
Yogadevotion's New Instructor Certification Course
Our friends and partners at Yogadevotion put together an online Instructor Certification Course that as a resource for both instructors and practitioners. In five modules, the course studies where yoga philosophy and Christian theology converge, and then how to apply that convergence to an actual yoga practice. Read our review here!
Christianity, Chakras, & the Mystery of Epiphany
The season of Epiphany and the ajna chakra both point to revelation, realization, and illumination and they teach us about a certain “knowing” that we can receive from beyond our physical senses, pointing us to God.
Book Review: Hindu Wisdom for All God's Children
Allyson shares her thoughts on the value of comparative theology in Hindu Wisdom for All God's Children by Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Namaste & Imago Dei— Made in the Image of God
The truth held in the greeting Namaste is a truth that contains the power to heal many of the great divisions in this world. The power to unite people regardless of their cultural, racial, religious, social, political, or personal differences.
Stealing Yoga
Kelly discusses some concerns from those who come from a Hindu background and worldview. Her hope is to build understanding and to generate thoughtful and respectful conversation between seekers, both Hindu and Christian alike. May PEACE (shanti) and LOVE (maitri) and prevail…
How I found Jesus on a Yoga Mat
Studio owner and teacher trainer Kelly McLellan continues our testimony series by sharing her story. “I was not raised in the church. As a seeker, I found beauty and Truth in almost every tradition, but I found the story of the Biblical God to be the highest good.”
What if your body were an altar?
Touch your elbow: that skin right there is God’s Holy of Holies. What if your body is an altar? What if your body is a place for you to encounter God? How does that change how you understand your body?
Too Much of a Stretch? Can or Should Christians Practice Yoga?
One of the founders of CPY, Reverend Professor Kevin Flynn, offers a lecture about Christians practicing yoga. Its an easy-to-understand history of yoga’s roots in the United State. Listen in if you are curious about yoga’s history.
Is Yoga a Religion?
The classical tradition of Yoga represents a valuable gift from India to the world, and what makes it particularly precious is that it can be used selectively with benefit by people of different religious and philosophical understandings.
Yoga's Moral Code: Are Yamas and Niyamas the same as the Ten Commandments
When we put these two enduring moral traditions in dialogue with one another, we find it’s a friendly conversation and that they have much to share with one another.
An Introduction to Ignatian Yoga
Today we celebrate the work of our friends at Ignatian yoga. What follows is an introduction to their work and philosophy.