Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

How to get more involved with this community
One of the most common messages our inbox receives is this: “I’m so excited to find this website! I feel so alone out here as a Christian practicing [or teaching] yoga. I’m really looking forward to joining this group. How can I get involved?”

Trauma-Informed Yoga with Veterans

Caring for the Sick Among Us
Rev. Kevin Flynn offers thoughts of Christianity’s call to heal the sick, and in support of bringing yoga into this long tradition of care.

Creating Sacred Space
The second post in our Seva Series, this time highlighting the work of Joanne Spence: “When she teaches absolute beginners—students in hospital beds or residential centers—Joanne watches the divide between bodies and minds getting smaller. She witnesses bipolar and anorexic patients gain respect for their bodies; she helps public school students simply be the vulnerable kids they are under their hard exteriors; she invites adults to slow down and care for their achy backs and hearts.”

Addiction Recovery, the Service of Bethanie Meredith
In this first in a series on the yoga of selfless service, or seva, we highlight the addiction recovery work of Bethanie Meredith.

Interview with Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm
Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm is the author of Love God Herself: Yoga and Mindfulness for Black Women who Follow the Christ. We reached out to Brooke for an interview.

There Go I: A Compassion Meditation
This a simple mantra is meant to interrupt habitual thought, with the hope of cultivating a more compassionate world.

Interview with Seva Award Winner Joanne Spence
One of our long-time members, Joanne Spence, is one of the Seva Award nominees. Joanne is the founder of Yoga in Schools in Pittsburgh, PA, where she has been providing yoga therapy to students, teachers, and mental health patients for over ten years.
In anticipation of September’s Yoga Journal, we interviewed Joanne to get a sneak peek into her yoga journey.