Explore our Writers’ Perspectives
Can Yoga Teach a Christian to Pray?
Yoga does not replace such necessary components of the Christian life as study of scripture and participation in the liturgical life of the Church. It is, however, a good “seat” for Christian practice. In what ways is this so?
A Brief Teaching: Christian Contemplation
Learn the essential teachings to get started with your meditation practice, and find resources to support your daily discipline.
Yoga and Christianity: Lord, Teach Us to Pray
How does the practice teach us to P.R.A.Y.? How do we get out of our head and into our heart? We Prepare, Root, Align, Yield.
The Invocation: An Interview with Dayna Gelinas
Dayna shares how she created her own invocation to Jesus to use at the beginning of all her yoga classes. We’ve included a video of her chant.
Here and Now
In the present, we just have to “be.” The present is where God is. Well, how scary, daunting, fun, exciting, nerve racking, did I mention scary is that!
Sanskrit Chants: Are these OK for Christians?
Christians have been initiated in baptism into the body of Christ, into the love-energies of God revealed as Jesus-Emmanuel (God-with-us). So my counsel would be: Chant those names. Intensify those divine energies within you.
Too Much of a Stretch? Can or Should Christians Practice Yoga?
One of the founders of CPY, Reverend Professor Kevin Flynn, offers a lecture about Christians practicing yoga. Its an easy-to-understand history of yoga’s roots in the United State. Listen in if you are curious about yoga’s history.
Is Yoga a Religion?
The classical tradition of Yoga represents a valuable gift from India to the world, and what makes it particularly precious is that it can be used selectively with benefit by people of different religious and philosophical understandings.
Yoga's Moral Code: Are Yamas and Niyamas the same as the Ten Commandments
When we put these two enduring moral traditions in dialogue with one another, we find it’s a friendly conversation and that they have much to share with one another.
Prayer Sequences
Ignatian Yoga for Lent
Some suggestions for Lent and an Ignatian Yoga Lenten video.
An Introduction to Ignatian Yoga
Today we celebrate the work of our friends at Ignatian yoga. What follows is an introduction to their work and philosophy.
Encountering God in Yoga Class
I have often found it easier to be faithful to yoga than to my religious tradition. I have often found that yoga opens my heart and mind to God in a gentle, renewing way
What is Christian Meditation?
Rather than seeking to know about God through words, thoughts, and images, the meditator is seeking to experience God directly with the awareness of loving faith and God's indwelling presence.
Eight Limbs of Yoga From a Christian Perspective
The Eight Limbs of Yoga were written somewhere around the time of Christ, give or take 200 years (scholars differ about when Patañjali lived). Overall, the Sutras describe a system for "calming the fluctuations of the mind". Dayna explores how these relate to a Christian theology.