Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Book Review - Prayers of the Cosmos by Neal Douglas-Klotz
Doreen shares a long-appreciated resource that aims to shed new light on the teachings of Jesus.

Merton and Contemplative Prayer: How it applies to yoga
While once considered the purview of ascetics and monks, Thomas Merton found a more accessible way for lay Christians to achieve mystical experiences by way of contemplative prayer practices.

Merton and Mysticism: How it Applies to Yoga
A Course in Christian Mysticism provides something of a textbook for Catholics seeking to cultivate mystical experience through theological study.

Yoga appropriation or yoga appreciation?
Followers of Christ have the responsibility to listen, honor, and love our neighbors as ourselves. This means our neighbors’ culture, heritage, and voice.

Interview with Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm
Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm is the author of Love God Herself: Yoga and Mindfulness for Black Women who Follow the Christ. We reached out to Brooke for an interview.

Diversifying My Yoga Feed
Allyson shares tips for gaining new perspectives in your Instagram feed.

Rest for the Weary: Building Community Alongside Our Brothers and Sisters of Color
As Christians who practice and teach yoga, how do we respond to our calling to help the people of God, particularly those most weary, to find rest?

Announcing the CPY YouTube Channel
Visit our CPY YouTube channel for practice ideas.

Pratyahara and Pandemic
Kelly offers a reflection of one of the yoga sutras, Pratyahara, followed by a full home practice. We are grateful to her for this offering.

There Go I: A Compassion Meditation
This a simple mantra is meant to interrupt habitual thought, with the hope of cultivating a more compassionate world.

Reading Aloud as a Daily Practice
Dana Moore offers ways for fellow Christians to replace quiet, internal reading with reading aloud in a rhythmic way, like sacred chanting.

Learning from the Bhagavad Gita: One Mother's Experience
My resolve to worship a living God is renewed by an ancient text from another world, another lifetime. Should this even surprise us?

Christians Practicing Yoga through Thomas Merton
This is an introduction to Merton and his influence on Christians who practice yoga today. This post will be followed by three others that dive deeper into Merton’s impact on Christians practicing through mysticism, contemplative prayer, and interreligious dialogue.

World religions: Christian Approaches and Reflections
Christians would do well to examine their own preconceived attitudes to non-Christian religions, spiritualities, and philosophies. Such presuppositions inevitably influence how we interpret the evidence and claims for or against a Christian yoga practice.

Yogadevotion's New Instructor Certification Course
Our friends and partners at Yogadevotion put together an online Instructor Certification Course that as a resource for both instructors and practitioners. In five modules, the course studies where yoga philosophy and Christian theology converge, and then how to apply that convergence to an actual yoga practice. Read our review here!