Explore our Writers’ Perspectives
Why Christianity and Yoga?
Katrina tells the story of her conversion and transformation with Christianity and yoga.
Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice Parts 3 & 4
Ani Vidrine beautifully weaves vedic scripture and writings from several Christian mystics.
Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice Parts 1 & 2
Ani Vidrine beautifully weaves vedic scripture and writings from several Christian mystics.
Breathing Life, Shimmering Sound
Yoga taught Allyson how to breathe with purpose.
Seeking Christ through Yoga
While Christianity holds beliefs of the nature of Christ at its center, yoga holds an understanding of the nature of the seeker at its core. If the intention is to seek Christ, yoga gently turns the lost towards the sound of a trustworthy caretaker.
How to get more involved with this community
One of the most common messages our inbox receives is this: “I’m so excited to find this website! I feel so alone out here as a Christian practicing [or teaching] yoga. I’m really looking forward to joining this group. How can I get involved?”
Global Interconnectedness in a Time of Crisis
The world has been through a lot in the past year, dealing not just with one but several “viruses”: the virus of racism, the virus of sexism, the virus of hate and bigotry, the virus of dishonesty, etc. We are losing so many lives to these viruses, and we must acknowledge that this is the world that we are presently living in. That said, let us also recognize that each of our religious and spiritual traditions have continuously risen to be antidotes to these viruses.
My Traveler’s Heart Finds Rest and Nostalgia at “Oakridge”: A Pilgrimage
Wonderfully Made: My Story of Belonging
In Rachel’s first post, she shares how yoga first welcomed her back into her body.
Why I Take a Cyber Sabbath
Leave your cell phone behind and rest — and see what wonder this world has to offer!
Follow the Star: An Invitation to Retreat
Join us for our 2021 Retreat.
Embodied Holy Week: Our Practice Offerings
Our teachers offer a host of free and donation-based gatherings with the hope of connecting our bodies and minds, just as they are, here and now, with that of Christ.
Meet Ani Vidrine: Why I practice Yoga
We are pleased to add the voice of author, psychotherapist & spiritual director Ani Vidrine’s to our site. What follows is her first post, in which she answers the same question each of our writers has been asked to ponder: What do you practice yoga — and why do you practice Christianity?
Yoga and Fasting: Forms of Holistic Prayer
Father Tom Ryan discusses how yoga and the ritual of fasting can both be forms of prayer.
Staying Consequences
Applying the tools of yoga and seeking daily direction from Christ helped Doreen resolve the tension regarding where to live for the rest of their twelve year old daughter’s growing up years.