Explore our Writers’ Perspectives
Book Review - Prayers of the Cosmos by Neal Douglas-Klotz
Doreen shares a long-appreciated resource that aims to shed new light on the teachings of Jesus.
Christianity, Chakras, and Separating the Baby from the Bathwater.
Kelly explores Chakras and the energy body from a Christian perspective. She writes, “When approaching energy theories as a Christian, we would do well to practice discernment. In other words, we have to learn to separate the baby (wisdom) from the bathwater (worldview).”
Merton and Contemplative Prayer: How it applies to yoga
While once considered the purview of ascetics and monks, Thomas Merton found a more accessible way for lay Christians to achieve mystical experiences by way of contemplative prayer practices.
Addiction Recovery, the Service of Bethanie Meredith
In this first in a series on the yoga of selfless service, or seva, we highlight the addiction recovery work of Bethanie Meredith.
Is God Doing a New Thing at the Intersection of Faith and Yoga?
Cindy explores how the intersections of faith and yoga just might be God’s work in the world.
Three Methods of Christian Meditation
Contemplative prayer is a process of interior transformation, a relationship initiated by God and leading, if we consent, to divine union. If meditation/contemplative prayer (raja yoga) is not an integral part of your hatha yoga practice, one might say that you’re missing the best part!
A Place-in-Between
Doreen shares with us the inner conflict that arose through her immersion in two different religions, cultures and world views at a young age. This conflict is a familiar one to many of us — those who practice yoga, honor its roots and continue to walk the path of Christianity.
Holy Spirit Discernment Practice
Follow your breath in and out, and if your breath is full and expansive, that is your body saying YES. If your breath is short and choppy, that is your body saying NO.
From Emotion to Action: A First Step in Taking Your Contemplative Practice Off the Mat
The call to “Act Now” can be daunting and scary and confusing. Sometimes the sheer urgency can be a block. Amy discusses how she uses contemplative practices to fuel action.
Language of the Heart: Replacing a beloved Sanskrit Chant
Molly describes how she approached chanting in her personal practice. It’s an example of one of many decisions we make when practicing yoga with an intention of deepening our faith in Christ while upholding the spiritual roots of yoga.
Merton and Mysticism: How it Applies to Yoga
A Course in Christian Mysticism provides something of a textbook for Catholics seeking to cultivate mystical experience through theological study.
Yoga in Bermuda & Black Lives Matter
Joanne Wohlmuth discusses how whitewashing yoga and uncoupling it from its spiritual intentions causes harm and deepens divides. Students of yoga not engaging in self work stop short of igniting the flame within required to help heal racism in our society.
How's Your Nervous System Doing?
Join Joanne Spence as she explores the nervous system and offers a 7 minute “Square Breath” practice.
Considering Faith-based Yoga Teacher Training?
In this guest post, Sally McAteer with Sallysmat Yoga shares some advice for choosing a faith-based teacher training.
Yoga appropriation or yoga appreciation?
Followers of Christ have the responsibility to listen, honor, and love our neighbors as ourselves. This means our neighbors’ culture, heritage, and voice.