Explore our Writers’ Perspectives

Meet Ani Vidrine: Why I practice Yoga
We are pleased to add the voice of author, psychotherapist & spiritual director Ani Vidrine’s to our site. What follows is her first post, in which she answers the same question each of our writers has been asked to ponder: What do you practice yoga — and why do you practice Christianity?

Staying Consequences
Applying the tools of yoga and seeking daily direction from Christ helped Doreen resolve the tension regarding where to live for the rest of their twelve year old daughter’s growing up years.
Divinity in the Ordinary
Renee wonders about how Divinity reveals itself in the Ordinary through Zoom Church, Communion, and Jesus of the Peanut Butter & Jelly.

Big Belly Breath
When we draw a full, deep breath into the lungs and allow the belly to respond with fullness, we are fully inviting the Holy Spirit to access every curve of our being.

Creating Sacred Space
The second post in our Seva Series, this time highlighting the work of Joanne Spence: “When she teaches absolute beginners—students in hospital beds or residential centers—Joanne watches the divide between bodies and minds getting smaller. She witnesses bipolar and anorexic patients gain respect for their bodies; she helps public school students simply be the vulnerable kids they are under their hard exteriors; she invites adults to slow down and care for their achy backs and hearts.”

An Invitation to Awareness in the Eye of the Storm
Sally Grillo offers these hopeful words along with an invitation to our community to practice together.

Light a Candle
Take a few moments to candle gaze.

Is God Doing a New Thing at the Intersection of Faith and Yoga?
Cindy explores how the intersections of faith and yoga just might be God’s work in the world.

A Place-in-Between
Doreen shares with us the inner conflict that arose through her immersion in two different religions, cultures and world views at a young age. This conflict is a familiar one to many of us — those who practice yoga, honor its roots and continue to walk the path of Christianity.

Yoga in Bermuda & Black Lives Matter
Joanne Wohlmuth discusses how whitewashing yoga and uncoupling it from its spiritual intentions causes harm and deepens divides. Students of yoga not engaging in self work stop short of igniting the flame within required to help heal racism in our society.

The Yoga of Parenting

Interview with Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm
Rev. Dr. Brooke Brimm is the author of Love God Herself: Yoga and Mindfulness for Black Women who Follow the Christ. We reached out to Brooke for an interview.

A Time For Every Breath
For me, relaxing on the exhale has become a spiritual practice of trust in God. For years, this breathing trust has been yoga’s best gift to me. Imagine, then, my confusion in this virtual momma’s fitness program when the lead trainer told viewers to relax on the inhale.

Postures of the Heart: Approaching Life with a Spirit of Inquiry
How can our yoga practice serve us during the Coronavirus? Is it possible that if we move into this unprecedented time in our lives with curious observations and teachable hearts, that there might be the potential for tremendous healing in the midst of a pandemic?

Learning from the Bhagavad Gita: One Mother's Experience
My resolve to worship a living God is renewed by an ancient text from another world, another lifetime. Should this even surprise us?